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7 helpful tips for your interview



Understanding key information about the company you’re interviewing with can help you go into your interview with confidence. 

Practice your answers to common interview questions

Prepare your answer to the common questions and why are you interested in this role with our company. The idea is to quickly communicate who you are and what value you will bring to the company and the role—it’s your elevator pitch. 

Bright Room Decor
Holding Hands

MAGIC - Making A Good Impression Count 

By signing up to JES recruitment ‘MAGIC light’ programme you will receive a one-to-one, one hour masterclass to ensure that you can manage your imminent interview with confidence and make sure your interviewer sees the best you.


Contact us here, or below, for more details

Recruit a friend to practice answering questions

Practicing your answers out loud is an incredibly effective way to prepare.

You’ll find you gain confidence as you get used to saying the words.

Job Interview
Group of Asian waiting for an interview

Prepare smart questions for your interviewers

Interviews are a two-way street. Employers expect you to ask questions: they want to know that you’re thinking seriously about what it would be like to work there. 

Plan your interview attire the night before

If you’re speaking to a recruiter before the interview, you can ask them about the dress code in the workplace and choose your outfit accordingly.

Choosing Dress
People shaking hands

Make a great first impression

Don’t forget the little things—shine your shoes, make sure your nails are clean and tidy, and check your clothes for holes, stains, pet hair and loose threads. And remember to smile.

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